Tuesday, January 30, 2007
What to say... what to say... Haiz... common test period... dunno if i'm ready for my 'A' Levels... but then somehow tht's all JC2 life seems to be made out of... i thought i was sure, not it's just this amorphous thing filled with so much hesitation, uncertainty and cautiousness as though u make one wrong move and u're swallowed whole into the murky depths of who-knows-where and no one knows what's going to happen even if u survive this ordeal... *sighs* who knows...;

 BuStEd!!!6:20 AM


Name: Stef
Age: 15
DOB: July 3rd
Sign: Cancer *click click*
Country: S'pore
School: St Nix
Likes: JAMES!!! Busted, writing stories, internet, tv
Dislikes: when family members get irritating
Email: here

OtHer BloG sQuAd BloG!! siMiN lEE WoNg LeGo XiAo ZhOng SaMmIe UnCLeO RoSie AsH PeT LiNx ChErrY MeI (aka Verena) An QiNg XiAo Mei (aka Aloyz) Zhong Wei ZHeNg CoNg MeOw (aka Vincent)


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